Thursday 12 August 2010

Summer Holidays

A time to relax, spend time with the family and re-charge those batteries.

I've been reading a lot lately, taking a chance to explore new ideas and possibilities that might work their way into my images. I'm a firm believer in coincidences and I am certain that everything happens for a specific purpose, even though it may take a few goes to work out their meanings: the people we meet, the events in our lives, even our choice of books to read.

For those that are interested the books are as follows...

M. Scott Peck. 'The Road Less Travelled'
M. Scott Peck. 'People of the Lie'
Paulo Coelho. 'The Alchemist'
Paulo Coelho. 'Brida'
James Redfield. 'The Celestine Prophecy'
Prof. Richard Wiseman. 'Did You Spot the Gorilla?'
Dr Wayne Dyer. '10 Secrets For Success and Inner Peace'
Richard Carlson. 'Don't Sweat the Small Stuff'
Aldous Huxley. 'Brave New World'

The image above is the first I've completed since reading the above. It took two days to complete and involves the following ingredients... clouds, old watch face, old parchment, a novel found in the gutter, trees, the wings of a barn owl (death by natural causes), and a texture running through two pieces of plastic glued together that I found in the bookshop where I last worked.

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